Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not Just a Temporary Job

I have a job!
Well, its only a temporary job, but yeah, its pretty good..
I work in finance departement on The British Council, BEJ.
Im happy and very2 excited coz im doin the things that I've never done before.
Im makin new friends, add new experience and I feel like a carier woman hahaa..
well, my job is not as easy as I think before.
Im exhausted at first but then its getting suck.
Im surrounded by a dozen big file that needs to reconcyled, and my head becomin dizzy coz I have to gettin along with that all day long.
Its hard.

Hopefully after my job in BC is done, I'll find another job.
But if I could choose,
I dont want to be in finance departement again.
Coz if I we're, I think my mind will blow the hell out.

- Myself -
(In the middle of dizziness)

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